However, that conversation must become as comfortable for doctors as the conversation they have with patients about the risk of retinal detachment after surgery–in fact, it is just as important and frequently more relevant to our patients than the discussion about retinal detachment. When all the layers of refractive cataract surgery are peeled back, the conversation about cost is the biggest barrier keeping many surgeons from embracing this surgical mindset. They feel that patients will expect more than they reliably can deliver, and they’re uncomfortable with that change in focus.
How do you get comfortable talking to patients about the associated costs? First and foremost, remember that you are not selling anything. You are educating the patient about options. Share with them the available options long before you address Lasik Beverly Hills pricing. In our practice, we use MDbackline (MDbackline), software that helps automate some of these conversations for doctors.
Before every patient comes in to see us for a cataract consult, he or she receives contact from MDbackline with content that discusses what to expect from cataract surgery. That information also introduces the idea of lens implant options that cost extra but that give a lifetime of better vision without glasses.
Whatever form of supplementary patient education is being used, the idea is to give patients the tools they need to come to their first appointment well prepared. That way, the conversations they have with the doctor and the staff are easier–for them and for us. Looking to get started with refractive cataract surgery? It could be worthwhile to consider the following 10 strategies that have worked for our busy refractive cataract surgery practice.
In order to get patients on board with the thought of paying out of pocket for a premium IOL technology, you must recommend it enthusiastically. Any reservation in your voice will be apparent to patients, and their level of interest in that option will be affected. For most patients, the costs involved in selecting a premium IOL are daunting. Take your time when discussing the available IOL technologies; rushing the process will prompt patients to opt out by default. It is also wise to avoid beginning the discussion by asking whether the patient is interested in a premium implant.
Instead, explain the benefits of an advanced-technology IOL in terms understandable to every patient. Ask your staff to block off extra consultation time in the schedule for patients who are expected to be ready for cataract surgery so that you can have a productive conversation.
Having patients rate their visual disability and determine their needs for distance, intermediate, and near vision is extremely helpful. Use of a questionnaire helps to establish the patient’s needs, but it does not substitute for asking directly what activities the patient enjoys. Thereafter, make sure to describe the benefits of what you have determined to be the most suitable implant for the patient in the context of his or her preferred activities.
Educational tools such as MDbackline (MDbackline), videos, consent forms, and your practice’s website are invaluable, but I believe that the first verbal discussion about implant choices should be scheduled with the doctor in order to establish reasonable expectations. This strategy also allows the educational process to be customized to the patient’s needs.